Published on7 de noviembre de 2023Gradients in CSSCSSGradientsKey-ConceptGradients in CSS are a powerful design tool that allows you to create smooth backgrounds and color transitions on your websites
Published on7 de noviembre de 2023CSS Browser SupportCSSBrowser-SupportKey-ConceptYou must understand and address CSS browser compatibility
Published on6 de noviembre de 2023HTML ElementsHTMLHTML-ElementsKey-ConceptHTML elements are the fundamental building blocks of a web page
Published on6 de noviembre de 2023Basic Structure in HTMLHTMLBasic-StructureKey-ConceptThe basic structure in HTML is essential for any web page
Published on6 de noviembre de 2023Header (<head>) in HTMLHTMLHeaderKey-ConceptThe header in HTML is used to provide essential information about a web page