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Verbs and Verb Tenses
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- Name
- Diego Whiskey
Verbs And Verb Tenses
Los verbos y los tiempos verbales son fundamentales en la gramática inglesa. Aquí, una introducción completa:
Los verbos son palabras que expresan acción, estado o relación. En inglés, los verbos pueden cambiar su forma según el tiempo, la persona, el número y el modo.
Infinitivo: La forma base del verbo. Por ejemplo, "to eat" (comer), "to play" (jugar), "to sleep" (dormir).
Presente Simple: Se utiliza para hablar de acciones habituales o hechos generales. La forma básica del verbo se utiliza para todas las personas, excepto en la tercera persona singular (he, she, it), donde se agrega "-s" o "-es". Por ejemplo, "I eat" (yo como), "He eats" (él come), "She watches" (Ella mira).
Pasado Simple: Se utiliza para hablar de acciones completadas en el pasado. Se forman añadiendo "-ed" a la mayoría de los verbos regulares. Por ejemplo, "I played" (yo jugué), "She worked" (ella trabajó).
Futuro Simple: Se utiliza para expresar acciones que ocurrirán en el futuro. Se forma con el verbo auxiliar "will" seguido del verbo en su forma base. Por ejemplo, "I will eat" (yo comeré), "They will play" (ellos jugarán).
Tiempos Verbales:
Los tiempos verbales indican cuándo ocurre la acción del verbo. Aquí están algunos de los tiempos verbales más comunes:
Presente Continuo: Se utiliza para hablar de acciones que están ocurriendo en el momento. Se forma con el verbo "to be" seguido del gerundio del verbo principal (verbo + "-ing"). Por ejemplo, "I am eating" (yo estoy comiendo), "She is watching" (ella esta mirando) "They are playing" (ellos están jugando).
Pasado Continuo: Se utiliza para hablar de acciones que estaban en progreso en algún momento del pasado. Se forma con el pasado del verbo "to be" seguido del gerundio del verbo principal. Por ejemplo, "I was resting" (Yo estaba descansando), "She was studying" (ella estaba estudiando), "We were working" (nosotros estábamos trabajando).
Futuro Continuo: Se utiliza para expresar acciones que estarán en progreso en algún momento específico en el futuro. Se forma con "will be" seguido del gerundio del verbo principal. Por ejemplo, "I will be traveling" (yo estaré viajando), "They will be working" (ellos estarán trabajando).
Estos son solo algunos de los tiempos verbales más comunes. La gramática de los tiempos verbales puede volverse más compleja a medida que se exploran formas verbales adicionales. Es crucial practicar y contextualizar estos tiempos verbales en oraciones para comprender su uso adecuado.
Verbo To Be
El verbo "to be" es uno de los verbos más importantes en inglés y se utiliza en diversas formas para expresar estados, identidades y relaciones. Aquí te proporcionaré una visión general de las diferentes formas del verbo "to be":
Presente Simple:
I am (yo soy/estoy)
- Ejemplo: I am a student. (Soy estudiante)
You are (tú eres/estás, usted es/está)
- Ejemplo: You are my friend. (Eres mi amigo/a)
He/She/It is (él/ella es/está)
- Ejemplo: She is a doctor. (Ella es médica)
We are (nosotros/as somos/estamos)
- Ejemplo: We are a team. (Somos un equipo)
You are (vosotros/as sois/estáis, ustedes son/están)
- Ejemplo: You are my colleagues. (Sos mis colegas)
They are (ellos/as son/están)
- Ejemplo: They are teachers. (Son profesores/as)
Pasado Simple:
I was (yo fui/estuve)
- Ejemplo: I was at home yesterday. (Estuve en casa ayer)
You were (tú fuiste/estuviste, usted fue/estuvo)
- Ejemplo: You were at the party. (Estuviste en la fiesta)
He/She/It was (él/ella fue/estuvo)
- Ejemplo: It was a beautiful day. (Fue un día hermoso)
We were (nosotros/as fuimos/estuvimos)
- Ejemplo: We were on vacation. (Fuimos de vacaciones)
You were (vosotros/as fuisteis/estuvisteis, ustedes fueron/estuvieron)
- Ejemplo: You were at the concert. (Fuisteis al concierto)
They were (ellos/as fueron/estuvieron)
- Ejemplo: They were in the park. (Estuvieron en el parque)
Futuro Simple:
I will be (yo seré/estaré)
- Ejemplo: I will be there on time. (Estaré allí a tiempo)
You will be (tú serás/estarás, usted será/estará)
- Ejemplo: You will be successful. (Serás exitoso/a)
He/She/It will be (él/ella será/estará)
- Ejemplo: She will be happy. (Será feliz)
We will be (nosotros/as seremos/estaremos)
- Ejemplo: We will be at the meeting. (Estaremos en la reunión)
You will be (vosotros/as seréis/estaréis, ustedes serán/estarán)
- Ejemplo: You will be on vacation. (Seréis/estaréis de vacaciones)
They will be (ellos/as serán/estarán)
- Ejemplo: They will be at the airport. (Estarán en el aeropuerto)
Formas Continuas (Presente, Pasado, Futuro):
Presente Continuo:
- I am being (yo estoy siendo)
- You are being (tú estás siendo, usted está siendo)
- He/She/It is being (él/ella está siendo)
- We are being (nosotros/as estamos siendo)
- You are being (vosotros/as estáis siendo, ustedes están siendo)
- They are being (ellos/as están siendo)
Pasado Continuo:
- I was being (yo estaba siendo)
- You were being (tú estabas siendo, usted estaba siendo)
- He/She/It was being (él/ella estaba siendo)
- We were being (nosotros/as estábamos siendo)
- You were being (vosotros/as estabais siendo, ustedes estaban siendo)
- They were being (ellos/as estaban siendo)
Futuro Continuo:
- I will be being (yo estaré siendo)
- You will be being (tú estarás siendo, usted estará siendo)
- He/She/It will be being (él/ella estará siendo)
- We will be being (nosotros/as estaremos siendo)
- You will be being (vosotros/as estaréis siendo, ustedes estarán siendo)
- They will be being (ellos/as estarán siendo)
Estas son las formas básicas del verbo "to be" en distintos tiempos verbales. Recuerda que estas formas son fundamentales para construir oraciones en inglés y expresar diferentes estados y acciones.
Regla gramatical del auxiliar Did, Do and Does.
Did: se usa en el pasado simple de frases negativas e interrogativas y en respuestas afirmativas. Do and Does: se usan en el presente simple de frases negativas e interrogativas y respuestas cortas.
Verbos comunes (Common Verbs)
Una lista de verbos importantes en inglés que son fundamentales para cualquier persona que esté aprendiendo el idioma. Estos verbos son versátiles y se utilizan con frecuencia en diversas situaciones:
To Be (Ser/Estar):
- am, is, are, was, were.
- I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are.
To Have (Tener):
- have, has, had.
- I have, you have, he/she/it has, we have, they have.
To Do (Hacer):
- do, does, did.
- I do, you do, he/she/it does, we do, they do.
To Say (Decir):
- say, says, said.
- I say, you say, he/she/it says, we say, they say.
To Go (Ir):
- go, goes, went.
- I go, you go, he/she/it goes, we go, they go.
To Get (Obtener/Conseguir):
- get, gets, got.
- I get, you get, he/she/it gets, we get, they get.
To Make (Hacer/Fabricar):
- make, makes, made.
- I make, you make, he/she/it makes, we make, they make.
To Know (Saber/Conocer):
- know, knows, knew.
- I know, you know, he/she/it knows, we know, they know.
To Take (Tomar/Llevar):
- take, takes, took.
- I take, you take, he/she/it takes, we take, they take.
To See (Ver):
- see, sees, saw.
- I see, you see, he/she/it sees, we see, they see.
To Come (Venir):
- come, comes, came.
- I come, you come, She/he/it comes, we come, they come.
To Think (Pensar):
- think, thinks, thought.
- I think, you think, She/he/it takes, we think, they think.
To Look (Mirar):
- look, looks, looked.
- I look, you look, She/he/it looks, we look, they look.
To Want (Querer):
- want, wants, wanted.
- I want, you want, She/he/it wants, we want, they want.
To Give (Dar):
- give, gives, gave.
- I give, you give, She/he/it gives, we give, they give.
To Use (Usar):
- use, uses, used.
- I use, you use, She/he/it uses, we use, they use.
To Find (Encontrar):
- find, finds, found.
- I find, you find, She/he/it finds, we find, they find.
To Tell (Decir/Contar):
- tell, tells, told.
- I tell, you tell, She/he/it tells, we tell, they tell.
To Ask (Preguntar):
- ask, asks, asked.
- I ask, you ask, She/he/it asks, we ask, they ask.
To Work (Trabajar):
- work, works, worked.
- I work, you work, She/he/it works, we work, they work.
Estos verbos son esenciales para construir oraciones básicas en inglés y formar una base sólida para tu vocabulario. A medida que avanzas en tu aprendizaje, puedes agregar más verbos a tu vocabulario. Además, ten en cuenta que algunos verbos pueden tener múltiples significados y usos en diferentes contextos. Recuerda practicar su uso en diferentes contextos para mejorar tu fortalecer tu comprensión y uso con fluidez.
Los 54 verbos más usados en Inglés:
- To answer (responder):
- I answer, you answer, he/she/it answers, we answer, they answer.
- To arrive (llegar):
- I arrive, you arrive, he/she/it arrives, we arrive, they arrive.
- To ask (preguntar):
- I ask, you ask, he/she/it asks, we ask, they ask.
- To be (ser/estar):
- I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are.
- To buy (comprar):
- I buy, you buy, he/she/it buys, we buy, they buy.
- To come (venir):
- I come, you come, he/she/it comes, we come, they come.
- To cost (costar):
- It costs, they cost.
- To dislike (no gustar):
- I dislike, you dislike, he/she/it dislikes, we dislike, they dislike.
- To do (hacer):
- I do, you do, he/she/it does, we do, they do.
- To eat (comer):
- I eat, you eat, he/she/it eats, we eat, they eat.
- To enjoy (disfrutar):
- I enjoy, you enjoy, he/she/it enjoys, we enjoy, they enjoy.
- To explain (explicar):
- I explain, you explain, he/she/it explains, we explain, they explain.
- To finish (terminar):
- I finish, you finish, he/she/it finishes, we finish, they finish.
- To get (obtener):
- I get, you get, he/she/it gets, we get, they get.
- To give (dar):
- I give, you give, he/she/it gives, we give, they give.
- To go (ir):
- I go, you go, he/she/it goes, we go, they go.
- To hate (odiar):
- I hate, you hate, he/she/it hates, we hate, they hate.
- To have (tener/experiencia):
- I have, you have, he/she/it has, we have, they have.
- To hear (oír):
- I hear, you hear, he/she/it hears, we hear, they hear.
- To help (ayudar):
- I help, you help, he/she/it helps, we help, they help.
- To know (saber/conocer):
- I know, you know, he/she/it knows, we know, they know.
- To learn (aprender):
- I learn, you learn, he/she/it learns, we learn, they learn.
- To leave (irse/salir):
- I leave, you leave, he/she/it leaves, we leave, they leave.
- To like (gustar):
- I like, you like, he/she/it likes, we like, they like.
- To listen (escuchar):
- I listen, you listen, he/she/it listens, we listen, they listen.
- To live (vivir):
- I live, you live, he/she/it lives, we live, they live.
- To love (amar):
- I love, you love, he/she/it loves, we love, they love.
- To make (hacer):
- I make, you make, he/she/it makes, we make, they make.
- To meet (encontrarse con):
- I meet, you meet, he/she/it meets, we meet, they meet.
- To need (necesitar):
- I need, you need, he/she/it needs, we need, they need.
- To plan (planificar):
- I plan, you plan, he/she/it plans, we plan, they plan.
- To play (jugar/tocar/interpretar):
- I play, you play, he/she/it plays, we play, they play.
- To practice (practicar):
- I practice, you practice, he/she/it practices, we practice, they practice.
- To prefer (preferir):
- I prefer, you prefer, he/she/it prefers, we prefer, they prefer.
- To read (leer):
- I read, you read, he/she/it reads, we read, they read.
- To say (decir):
- I say, you say, he/she/it says, we say, they say.
- To see (ver):
- I see, you see, he/she/it sees, we see, they see.
- To sell (vender):
- I sell, you sell, he/she/it sells, we sell, they sell.
- To show (mostrar):
- I show, you show, he/she/it shows, we show, they show.
- To speak (hablar):
- I speak, you speak, he/she/it speaks, we speak, they speak.
- To start (empezar):
- I start, you start, he/she/it starts, we start, they start.
- To study (estudiar):
- I study, you study, he/she/it studies, we study, they study.
- To take (tomar):
- I take, you take, he/she/it takes, we take, they take.
- To teach (enseñar):
- I teach, you teach, he/she/it teaches, we teach, they teach.
- To tell (contar/informar):
- I tell, you tell, he/she/it tells, we tell, they tell.
- To think (pensar):
- I think, you think, he/she/it thinks, we think, they think.
- To travel (viajar):
- I travel, you travel, he/she/it travels, we travel, they travel.
- To understand (entender/comprender/entender):
- I understand, you understand, he/she/it understands, we understand, they understand.
- To visit (visitar):
- I visit, you visit, he/she/it visits, we visit, they visit.
- To want (querer):
- I want, you want, he/she/it wants, we want, they want.
- To watch (mirar/ver):
- I watch, you watch, he/she/it watches, we watch, they watch.
- To wish (desear):
- I wish, you wish, he/she/it wishes, we wish, they wish.
- To work (trabajar):
- I work, you work, he/she/it works, we work, they work.
- To write (escribir):
- I write, you write, he/she/it writes, we write, they write.
54 verbos organizados considerando aspectos generales de la comunicación:
- To be (ser/estar): I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are.
- To have (tener/experiencia): I have, you have, he/she/it has, we have, they have.
- To do (hacer): I do, you do, he/she/it does, we do, they do.
- To say (decir): I say, you say, he/she/it says, we say, they say.
- To get (obtener): I get, you get, he/she/it gets, we get, they get.
- To make (hacer): I make, you make, he/she/it makes, we make, they make.
- To know (saber/conocer): I know, you know, he/she/it knows, we know, they know.
- To take (tomar): I take, you take, he/she/it takes, we take, they take.
- To see (ver): I see, you see, he/she/it sees, we see, they see.
- To like (gustar): I like, you like, he/she/it likes, we like, they like.
- To want (querer): I want, you want, he/she/it wants, we want, they want.
- To think (pensar): I think, you think, he/she/it thinks, we think, they think.
- To come (venir): I come, you come, he/she/it comes, we come, they come.
- To answer (responder): I answer, you answer, he/she/it answers, we answer, they answer.
- To arrive (llegar): I arrive, you arrive, he/she/it arrives, we arrive, they arrive.
- To ask (preguntar): I ask, you ask, he/she/it asks, we ask, they ask.
- To buy (comprar): I buy, you buy, he/she/it buys, we buy, they buy.
- To dislike (no gustar): I dislike, you dislike, he/she/it dislikes, we dislike, they dislike.
- To eat (comer): I eat, you eat, he/she/it eats, we eat, they eat.
- To enjoy (disfrutar): I enjoy, you enjoy, he/she/it enjoys, we enjoy, they enjoy.
- To explain (explicar): I explain, you explain, he/she/it explains, we explain, they explain.
- To finish (terminar): I finish, you finish, he/she/it finishes, we finish, they finish.
- To give (dar): I give, you give, he/she/it gives, we give, they give.
- To go (ir): I go, you go, he/she/it goes, we go, they go.
- To hate (odiar): I hate, you hate, he/she/it hates, we hate, they hate.
- To hear (oír): I hear, you hear, he/she/it hears, we hear, they hear.
- To help (ayudar): I help, you help, he/she/it helps, we help, they help.
- To live (vivir): I live, you live, he/she/it lives, we live, they live.
- To love (amar): I love, you love, he/she/it loves, we love, they love.
- To meet (encontrarse con): I meet, you meet, he/she/it meets, we meet, they meet.
- To need (necesitar): I need, you need, he/she/it needs, we need, they need.
- To plan (planificar): I plan, you plan, he/she/it plans, we plan, they plan.
- To play (jugar/tocar/interpretar): I play, you play, he/she/it plays, we play, they play.
- To practice (practicar): I practice, you practice, he/she/it practices, we practice, they practice.
- To prefer (preferir): I prefer, you prefer, he/she/it prefers, we prefer, they prefer.
- To read (leer): I read, you read, he/she/it reads, we read, they read.
- To leave (irse/salir): I leave, you leave, he/she/it leaves, we leave, they leave.
- To sell (vender): I sell, you sell, he/she/it sells, we sell, they sell.
- To show (mostrar): I show, you show, he/she/it shows, we show, they show.
- To speak (hablar): I speak, you speak, he/she/it speaks, we speak, they speak.
- To start (empezar): I start, you start, he/she/it starts, we start, they start.
- To study (estudiar): I study, you study, he/she/it studies, we study, they study.
- To take (tomar): I take, you take, he/she/it takes, we take, they take.
- To teach (enseñar): I teach, you teach, he/she/it teaches, we teach, they teach.
- To tell (contar/informar): I tell, you tell, he/she/it tells, we tell, they tell.
- To think (pensar): I think, you think, he/she/it thinks, we think, they think.
- To travel (viajar): I travel, you travel, he/she/it travels, we travel, they travel.
- To understand (entender/comprender): I understand, you understand, he/she/it understands, we understand, they understand.
- To visit (visitar): I visit, you visit, he/she/it visits, we visit, they visit.
- To want (querer): I want, you want, he/she/it wants, we want, they want.
- To watch (mirar/ver): I watch, you watch, he/she/it watches, we watch, they watch.
- To wish (desear): I wish, you wish, he/she/it wishes, we wish, they wish.
- To work (trabajar): I work, you work, he/she/it works, we work, they work.
- To write (escribir): I write, you write, he/she/it writes, we write, they write.